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BEST Summer course in Stockholm

I will continue the sequence about my past journeys. I made a cup of green ice tea with jasmine and I'm ready to share the next story.
Two years ago, in June 2014 I had the opportunity to attend this event in Stockholm organised by BEST. I remember I was accepted in the last moment. For this I had to postpone for autumn session one exam. But it was worth it. I don't regret anything. That week in Stockholm was memorable.
That was my first flight. It was special because I was doing this alone. It gave me courage and confidence.
Fluffy clouds

There I met a lot of wonderful people. That was the moment I realized I should travel more.
It was a full week with morning classes and parties until sunrise. Well.. in that time it was almost always day light. I remember I was woken up by the sun lights in the morning, and I was afraid I'm going to be late. But then I realized it was just 6 am in the morning and I had another two hours for sleep.
Oh my God.. I did a lot of crazy things. Pub crawling, cabin crawling on a cruise ship (I'll get there).
I was kicked out from a bar. Yeah.. I'm a little delinquent. We had a list with three pubs to visit and to gather points doing some things from a list. So.. we got to the first bar and we were asked to show the ids. I forgot my wallet with papers at the university. I informed the group leader about this little inconvenient and he suggested to hide in the bathroom till they show their ids. I went to bathroom and waited for about 10 minutes. When I came back they were waiting for me.. Crap.. I tried to look like I'm searching for the id but I couldn't get away with this and that's how we were kicked out from that bar. Advise: in Sweden don't go in a bar without an id. They are very serious about this things.
Ow.. But the story doesn't end here. In the second pub they ask for ids only when you go to buy alcohol. The guys went to bar to buy beer and I had one too. In that pub we met with another team and we told them what happened in the previous one. One girl from that group had another id and she passed it to me.
Haha.. we go to the third pub. We sat to a table and a waitress came to take our order. With the order she asked for ids. I gave the borrowed id. It didn't work. She said they don't recognize the id. We were lucky I wasn't kicked out again :)). She just didn't let me drink beer. So I sat with a glass of beer in my front. Just staring at it. She was checking me out from time to time. Kids: be careful with this things when you visit Sweden!
Another first thing I did it was: go on a cruise. I saw Tallinn. We took the boat on Saturday evening. We had a lot of fun on that boat. The evening started with cabin crawling. There were some cabins with different drinking games on each one. After, we danced on Latino music. We continued with disco music on the dance floor. That night I connected with someone special. G was one of the organisers. He was finishing his bachelor degree at KTH. We danced together all night. The sun rise caught us hugging and talking about small things. The rest of the week we were together (our story didn't end there, but more about this in another post).
Sunset from the cruise boat

Going back to cruise. In the morning we arrived in Tallinn. The old city is very similar to Brasov, or Sibiu. We enjoyed a long walk in Tallinn. Sunday evening we took the boat back to Stockholm. That night was legendary! That night theme party was: philosopher party! The dressing code: wear your sheet from the bed like a Greek toga. Can you imagine what that meant? We were followed by the security guys.
Pigeon photo model in Tallinn

This is a long post.. Yeah.. I know.. While writing this down, memories pop-up in my mind. We had: international night (this was crazy, "palinca" did a lot of damage), casino party (I felt like a queen on that night; I wore a 20'-30' outfit and I won to all tables).
View over the city; pic taken from a treasure hunt around the city (now that I remember I think we went to a coffee shop and asked to boil an egg)

Romanian international table ("Mamaliga", Rom chocolate, "Eugenia", "Pufuleti", wine, "Palinca")
Ow.. not to forget the Viking cantus. Ofc.. I showed up to a Viking party with a Celtic helmet. Moving on.. So.. at this party I was sitting next to Harsha. He was the sober guy delegated for that night and he wasn't supposed to drink anything. And I'm saying to him: "Hey! Why aren't you drinking? Come on drink with me! I will be sober for you!". After a few beers we were both drunk and singing.
We also went to Spotify headquarters from Stockholm. I wouldn't mind if I worked there. It's a cozy atmosphere.
View from Spotify cafeteria

All this comes to an end. And that's the last party. We, the participants we had to organize that party. We did it in the dorm rooms. At that party I ended up with flour in my hair which I carried it back home. I left from the party directly to the airport (at 3-4 am in the morning).
I'm so happy I went to that summer course!!!
Copy rights to Georgia


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